
 In our mission, about a two-hour drive from Kinshasa is a small rural village known as Maloukou. This is an agrarian village, raising animals and crops for their income. The village sits on the Congo River.

While we have no full time missionaries currently serving there, there have been some members there for over a year. They have been sharing their beliefs about the gospel of Jesus Christ with their friends, family and neighbors. Interest in the Church of Jesus Christ has grown and so the mission has been sending the missionaries out there a couple of days per week to teach.

When someone is ready and desires to be baptized they all gather at the Congo River and perform the baptismal ceremony.

Without much infrastructure, leadership or support, this little group has now rapidly grown into a branch of 90 members. Our hope is to place full time missionaries there soon to support them and continue to teach. These people continue to amaze us with their faith, their focus on the Savior, and their commitment to walk the covenant path that leads back to God. We love them!

C'est un grand jour pour etre un missionnaire!
